Saturday, December 31, 2005

New Years Eve 2005

I thought that finally we might have a nice day in Belleview minus more menacing chemtrails. It was about 4:30 pm, a mild central Florida evening with lots of billowy, white, Cumulus clouds racing by against the deep blue.
That was the first time I personally noticed anything besides real clouds in the sky. Just like after another stripes began to fill the sky once more. The familiar X's were upon us again and planes carrying whatever concoction trailing behind were busy buzzing about.

X marks the spot over Belleview, Florida

Friday, December 30, 2005

Planes Were Busy Over Belleview Today

Clearly visible at the Kash n' Karry parking lot early this evening 12/30/005

Notice in the above photo how the trail is spreading outward instead of simply dissipating as a regular vapor trail would.

This was what I saw as I left the Almeida Plaza today just shy of 5:00pm Friday, December 30, 2005. This is overlooking Highway 441.

The picture above was taken in the skies over my neighborhood. Another view below of the same area.

Here are a couple of links that a 'friend of a friend' tossed my way. I haven't had the time to explore all of the information on them as yet but some of it seems quite informative.Chemtrails chemtrail spraying electromagnetic fake clouds aerosol fibers

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Image on Baseline Road, Belleview
X Marks the spot above Merita Bread Store parking lot-Belleview

Hwy. 301 view early afternoon on the 20th of December.

This was the day of the Special Election to vote on the change of the Alcohol Ordinance.

I first stopped at the local Merita Bread Store and noticed chemtrail activity was quite distinct that late morning.

I asked a patron of the store in the parking lot if he had noticed the chemtrails. He said he used to be an airforce pilot and said the white streaks were called 'Contrails' from the condensation. I pointed out that normal contrails usually dissappate within a rather short period of time. That these trails only spread as time goes on-they don't just go away. The ex-pilot (he was probably pushing about 75 or so) said a lot depended on the temperature in the atmosphere.

I'd heard that before , unfortuately, I've seen contrails and chemtrails side-by-side.....I could see a vast difference . One would dissappear almost completely while the other lingered and spread.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Central Florida Chemtrail Gallery-What Are They?

Look about you......
The image above was taken from my backyard on December 20th,2005

Have you noticed these strange 'designs' in the Florida skies?

Every Single Day....

Unless it's extremely windy

or rainy......from the time you wake to the time you retire for the evening........

These strange, sometimes beautiful, and always puzzling streaks, lines, grids and 'clouds' can be seen in the skies overhead.

November and December Chemtrails in Belleview Skies:

Some people say that the chemical trails over our heads are simply condensation...

Some say that chemtrails are an NWO plan to slowly cutback the population of the world by dispersing hazardous chemicals in the atmosphere.....
Some say that it is a USAF plan orchestrated by posibly NASA
or other agencies to help stop 'global warming'.....
Still others believe that chemtrails are agents that change the very atmosphere around us and help to modify the weather.


These next few photographs were taken in different areas of Belleview on Friday, December 16, 2005 between 4:30p.m. and 6 p.m. :

One of the most fascinating things about spotting chemtrails, is that they are virtually everywhere around here.
Yet, I don't see people looking up and actually NOTICING! is a website that discusses the ability to 'own' the weather through tracking, modification, etc.

These other photos are ones my husband shot in various areas of Lady Lake and Ocala.
Chemtrails can be beautiful to look at but when you notice that there are days when the ONLY clouds you see are produced by them, well...I don't know about you but it gives me an uneasy feeling.

These were all taken on December 12th, 2005

These trails don't just dissapate from view. They linger and spread until the sky is covered with an artificial cloud cover. My guess is that they are used for weather modification purposes. Perhaps a type of cloud seeding to produce precipitation. ANOTHER INSTANCE OF MAN WANTING TO BE GOD.

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