Sunday, May 07, 2006

April 26th -May 5th, 2006

Weird cloud formation in our neighborhood.
After browsing the site, please check out and take special note of the End Times Alert: (cut and paste link if it doesn't work otherwise)
Belleview Regional Shopping Center as the sun is going down.

Most of the chemtrails as of late around here, seem to make an appearance as the sun is going down. We do get a lot of haze from chemtrails being laid in other areas and blowing their way over.
This is to the south and west of Belleview Regional Shopping Center.

Out in the distance over the Belleview Regional Shopping Center, chemtrails are visible to the east.
Spooky pink and yellow haze fills the sky at twilight .
And now for something completely different......On a short jaunt to our local Walmart, we passed a bulletin board where an enterprising Army recruiter was trying to catch the interest of unsuspecting young people. He was offering a 'job'.....I just sort of 'helped' his project along by instilling my own brand of honest advertising:)

Chemtrail lost in haze of previous ones that had been laid. April 26,2006-Belleview.


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