Monday, March 27, 2006

It's an uneasy feeling that witnessing chemtrails can give you...

Yet more and more people do seem to be waking up to the fact that they exist. I want to post some links here to help those of you and are looking for answers to the chemtrail problem: APFN, Chemtrails news item: more information please,Topanga Messenger Online - Santa Monica Mountains News and Arts Publication,Asheville Magazine: Chem-Trails, Chemtrails Out of the Closet at GoThink Blog....(this particular blog has a lot of good coverage on topics dealing with sovereignty issues, the NWO and more) Enjoy the Read!

Trying to figure out my photo program....oh well!

Chemtrails Friday afternoon over Belleview

Here I am messing around with my photo program....Hi!

These were taken around sunset on Saturday, March 25, 2006
It was all blue skies over Belleview until about 6:30 p.m. when several planes were spotted flying about the same time.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Yesterday, in California, I was told there was a demonstration against chemtrails. About 75 people showed up, speeches were made and someone actually got through and handed Barbara Boxer's aide some flyers about the chemtrail problem.

Call me negative, but I just don't see the sense in a protest such as that.

This is NOT America anymore. This is a U.S. Zone . Just a cog in the globalist wheel. No one is interested in real revolution. Most folks are busy watching 'reality T.V.' and trying to keep up with the latest trends. While they are in their semi-comatose state, the Illuminists are busy gathering us up in their little, man-made Matrix, thinking they are gods and pushing forward with their plans to control as much of humanity as they can. Those that will not be controlled will be consumed.....If I didn't believe in the God of the Bible, I wouldn't have much reason to smile.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

March 13th-17th

If you have any information you would like to share on chemtrails in your area, subscribe to:
I believe that a mutated strain of Spanish flu which was developed in the lab here in the states is what is now known as the dreaded 'Bird Flu'. How easy would it be to infect a populace using aerial spraying techniques? Would it be worth it? Depends on what the NWO has in store. A smaller population is what they can easily control. Of course given the common sheeple mentality of today, they really don't have to go too far. Just infect a few and panic will easily set in with the help of our friendly media specialists. That is all that it would take to have the local Gestapo clamp down with martial law. for Avian Flu article, sent to me courtesy of Dr. Scott Johnson

Sunday, March 12, 2006

March 12th, 2006

Click here to watch 'March-12th-2006'

Although these designer clouds may look 'pretty' this is not a God-made, natural phenomenon. The latest I hear now is that whatever the government is trying to spray up there is supposed to keep us from suffering 'Global Warming'. The Barium salts and Aluminium particles are used as reflective shielding. Believe it or not?

This is a close up of the spread-lines after a chemtrail had been dispersed.The morning was very warm. It would seem that the rising heat may have contributed to the upward feathery effect.

When the spraying is relatively light, you have to wonder,"Why do they bother?" Why is it on some days, there is a heavy blanket over the sky and yet other days, just a few 'feathers'. Maybe the theory that says 'they' do it all the time just to get you used to seeing the artificial clouds, is correct. Some days they have a different agenda then others.

Amid fluffy white clouds and interspersed blue skies, the pilots over Belleview and Ocala were laying down chemtrails here and there.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Video Near County Road 484 In Belleview

Feverishly Laying Down Those Trails!

By 6 p.m. this evening, the sky was filled with these chemtrails. This was a while before sunset, yet the sky was pink in areas from whatever chemical they are pumping into the skies above.

Getting Ready For a Weather Change

I've noticed that whenever there is a front about to come through, our busy little pilots are happily building webs across the sky. This has been an all day event here in Belleview.

These were from the mid-morning hours of March 8th, 2006

These were chemtrails that have been successfully dispersed into fan-shaped cloud-cover over my neighborhood.