Friday, December 08, 2006

Our Community Has Been Beseiged With Chemtrail Activity

Chaos in the skies above Marion County.

That's the sun but just to the right is a bit of an orang-y spot. This was a 'sundog'...result of chemtrail activity and reflective material within the trail.

Close-up of 'white out'.

Behind the Cumulus Clouds...are traces of chemtrails and the 'white-out' that they cause:
Late afternoon in Belleview...these are not clouds...these are Chemtrails that are spreading into the atmosphere.

In the last few weeks......the chemtrail activity over our area has become have the weather changes:

Thursday, October 19, 2006

After a Pretty Quiet Summer, Chemtrails Make Appearance This Fall

Last week, chemtrails made a dramatic appearance after a fairly quiet summer.

The day these pictures were taken, I would have estimated that approximately 90% of the local cloud cover was artificially created:

These pictures were taken at the 9 Mile Pond Arts and Crafts Festival in Belleview, last Saturday, October 14th, 2006.

Twighlight chemtrail over our house in Belleview, Florida

Friday, June 23, 2006

A Few Photos from Way Back On the 6th Of June

Belleview, Florida....we've had very little chemtrail activity this past month. It's been so sporadic that I've left off carrying around my little camera. However, this particular day, there was quite a bit going on.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

June 3, 2006

There has not been regular activity here in days. We get spurts here and there. Now that the weather is getting hot, we tend to have a lot more Cumulus clouds and they tend to build into thunderheads.

Saturday morning was one time when the chemtrails were lightly placed throughout the northwestern sky.

Though the chemtrails were not all that thick, you can see from the pictures that they easily spread over the sky and left a bit of discoloration above.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Aaron Russo's America:From Freedom to Fascism

JUNE 2, 2006-Aaron Russo's Film- America: From Freedom To Fascism will be showing at Ocala's McPherson Complex. Admission is free. If more information is needed, please contact or call 352-362-5586.

Friday, May 26, 2006

May 21st and 23rd in the Belleview/Ocala area

May 23rd in Ocala, Florida.Three in our family have experienced sore throats and stuffy noses (including myself). Don't know that there is a connection however, we have to wonder, it's May not usually a time for colds and flu.

This was across from the Dairy Queen on Silver Springs Blvd. In Ocala. As I was enjoying a late meal, I noticed some chemtrail activity and had to step outside to get a couple of shots.
In Belleview on May 21st, the spraying of chemicals was more evident in the evening as the sun was setting.
Within a mass of cloudcover and haze, you can spot a few trails drifting through.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

May 8, 2006-Storm Came Through Hours Later

You can plainly see what I call 'fall-out' from these trails.
You can see some of the toxic mist still lingering as the main part of the trail moves on.

Rippling effect as trail after trail is laid down.
Kind of reminds me of the movie "The Ten Commandments" with Charleton Heston...Remember the scene where the Death Angel forms in the sky and goes after the firstborn of every kind that don't have the blood on the doorpost and lintils?

Hey-looks a lot like the Anarchy symbol!

We had a lot of haze from chemtrails north and west of us most of the day but by the late afternoon, the haze cleared only to return as aggressive chemtrail spraying began.